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Showing posts from December, 2009

Running a file or a program using a .bat file extension

Open the notepad or any text editor then go the url director or the location of the program you want to run then paste the following code :-

Disconnect the Internet using batch file extension

Open notepad or a text editor,copy or write this code, here you can see a connection name is indicated, put that name in place of the connection name in the below code. Save this as disconnect.bat extension file,then double click on it ,internet will get disconnected.

Connect to the Internet using batch file extension

Copy this text or write this text in a notepad or any text editor,then save this file using a batch file extension EX-connect.bat @ECHO OFF :loop Echo Trying to Dial your connection......... rasdial Connectionname username password if NOT %ERRORLEVEL% ==0 goto failed Exit :faile…